Do you want to register a new domain? Have you any questions in your mind regarding actions to do before buying a domain before you buy a new domain? This is because your new domain name will be your Brand. All income sources will come through this domain that will be your brand.
- Non-financial Point of view investigation
- Financial Point of View Investigation (also called technical investigation)
I have discussed the non-financial point of view investigation in a previous post you can read here. In this post, I am going to tell you which of the actions should you take before buying a domain name for Blogging or any Other Business.
These actions must be necessary for building an online property like making an income source from a domain.
Before you buy a new domain, you must do some investigations into your domain. like domain history, any specific banned service on your buying domain.
Actions to do before buying a domain
Here are a few actions that are not forgettable for any business holders or bloggers.
Checking domain history
Checking domain history must be performed by the buyer of a domain. If you choose a new domain then this is your right to check the history of the same domain. you should check whether any content was on this domain or not. This is the first type of investigation in which you know how much search engines know your site history.
You can also consider how to create content on your site & how much will you put the effort into content creation. If there is content related to your niche then this is a plus point for you, but if there were any negative content in the past then this will be a conflict for you to handle.
How to check the history before newly buying a domain
There is a smart tool to check any domain history which is WaybackMachine. The web address of this tool is Yes, it is a tool that is available in the web version where one can check any domain history. In history, you will be able to check and see what kind of material or design was there on a specific date.
Which types of content might be seen in Please ensure the content you see is positive & you can handle it easily.
- If you see any content related to your niche then this is good. you need not worry about anything.
- If you see any negative content like porn, gambling, or Human traffic information on your web. archive then don’t buy this domain because this is a negative side of your domain. you can’t handle this.
- If you see any other content that is not related to your niche then you will not get any benefits for this content.
Checking AdSense or any other network ban on your domain
You need to check that the domain you are going to buy is not prohibited by Google Adsense. If your domain is found banned for Google AdSense then you can’t monetize your blog on this domain. So, don’t forget to check the domain for the Google AdSense Ban condition before purchasing the domain.
If you are not interested in Google AdSense then you can leave this test. However, please ensure that there are also other ad networks like Google AdSense. You can monetize with other Ad networks like AdCash etc.
You can check here through this amazing tool:
Domain analysis
If you are going to buy a new domain then the third thing that is very very essential is checking DA PA. This investigation is called domain analysis.
Each domain has its own domain authority & page authority. This authority indicates how much your site ranks in Google & a lot of other details. like backlinks, monthly visitors, visitors’ sources, etc.
There are various tools to check this information about any domain. You need only a domain name to check & view these details. you can use any of the following tools given below:-
Last Word
In this last word, I would like to suggest that if you are planning to buy a new domain then you must perform this type of investigation so that you can prevent several issues.