Do you use SMS marketing to promote your business? Have you ever sent an SMS to your customers about your product or business? SMS marketing is one of the best strategies for your business to reach your customers.
In this post, I will discuss The complete process of getting an SMS sender ID by which you can send your automated SMS to your customers.
What is SMS Sender ID? (Online SMS sender ID)
Before 2021 the business used to send SMS to its customers by registering with any telemarketer on their website. Businesses used to sign up and generate their SMS sender ID and they used to send SMS to their customers.
In this method, some users started cheating other people by using this method wrongly. But from 2021 onwards, a major change was made in this method by TRAI.
TRAI introduced a new blockchain system called DLT. In this DLT system, one who wants to send an SMS has to first register on DLT and then on any telemarketer’s site and complete his/her steps.
In this system, users have to approve all their SMS templates, and only after approval of their SMS templates, users can send SMS to third parties.
SMS sender ID is a 6-character Alphanumeric ID. By this sender ID, you can send a text SMS to your clients or customers for Business Promotion Purposes manually or automatically.
These 6 alphanumeric characters define your Business identity. for example, if Our Blog name is Digitalpathik then our sender ID may be DGTPTK DGPTTK, or anything else.
The biggest advantage of having an SMS Sender ID is your brand mention. When a user receives your sent SMS, he gets your SMS sending ID in the same way as the sender number ID. The benefits are given below:-
- With this SMS sender ID, you can advertise your brand by sending SMS to your audience.
- You can send thousands of SMS at the same time with one click.
- You can send thousands of SMS at the same time with one click.
- You can send customized SMS to your customers using Excel sheets.
How to get an SMS Sender ID?
Before 2021, getting an SMS sender ID was a very simple process that rarely took a day or two. But ever since DLT came into play, the process of getting an SMS sender ID has become a very lengthy & complex process.
In this process, First, the user or company should go to the DLT platform of any of the Telecom operators & complete the registration process, sending their SMS templates to the DLT platform.
And then make a registration with any of the telemarketers. Here are step-by-step instructions to get an SMS Sender ID.
For our convenience, we have decided on this DLT Process in the following parts.
- 1. Registration Process on DLT Platform (
- 2. Apply for SMS Sender ID (Header)
- 3. Apply for SMS templates
- 4. Registration on the Telemarketer website (
- 5. Connect your approved headers & sms templates with the DLT platform.
- 6. How to send SMS through the telemarketer website.
Registration with any DLT Platform
DLT is a platform that is built for generating & approving SMS sender IDs & SMS templates by all possible telecom operators. this is the same platform where an entity must register itself, request for new entity Registration, for a new SMS sender ID along with SMS templates of any nature.
First of all, you have to register on any DLT platform of any telecom operator. Like Airtel, Videocon, jio. Vodafone or any other. The process of Registration with DLT is given below:-
- Visit any DLT platform. In my case, I visit & start to register.
- Click on the Register Now Button for Registration of your entity. you will see a page like this.

- After selecting the Principal entity you will have to choose another option.

- Understand that you should select yes or No.
- Select Yes if you have registered on any other DLT Platform. If you press then you have to enter the same entity registration number generated through that registration.
- Select No, If you have not registered with any of the Other DLT Platforms. You can also register on any other DLT platform.
- Note: we are registering on this platform as this is free of cost. After registering on this platform. we can also register on other platforms to get faster services.
- After this, there will be a new application form in which there are some options to fill up.
- Full Detail
Organization Name | Organization Category | PAN/TAN |
Organization Type | GSTN No. | Scan copy of PAN & GST |
Your Name | Email ID | Mobile No. |
Date of Birth | Business Registration Date | Other detail |
While filing the form you will be asked to create your Account Login Password that you will use to log in to your account where your registered email ID is your user ID.
After successfully requesting within 3 or 4 days you will receive a confirmation mail in which you will receive an Entity No. along with a copy of your entity Certificate.
2. Apply for SMS Sender ID (Header)
- Now login to your DLT Account on using your registered email ID & Password (you created in the registration Process). An OTP will be asked to enter & after this, you will log in to your account. After you logged In you will see an interface like below.

- Then click on Header SMS Registration under the menu Header SMS.

- A new form will be displayed in front of you to apply the new header (also known as SMS Sender ID). like this.

3. Apply for SMS templates
- For SMS Templates Please log in again with your User ID & Password if not logged in.
- Click Content Templates Registration Under the Template menu.
- Select your Type of communication; write your content template name; choose your header; then write your template content & then submit.
- When your content template will be approved or disapproved then you will receive an email confirmation.
4. Registration on the Telemarketer website (
In the third step, we need to create an account with any telemarketing service provider. This is the same platform from where we will send online SMS to our customers or clients. This is the last step where you have to create an account.
On this platform, you have to do the following tasks to send an SMS.
- Create an online account & create your login ID & Password to log in.
- Get a Telemarketer ID of the same where you have created your account of Telemarketing Service Provider. Connect with the DLT platform that you have chosen.
- Connect your all SMS sender IDs & SMS Templates that you have approved with the DLT Platform.
- Please note one thing that connects only the same SMS headers & templates on the telemarketing service Providers’ platform that is already been approved.
- There is another function which is adding SMS Sender ID (Header) with SMS Template. So that you can be sent your SMS templates with a fixed Header ID. By doing this you can easily see this magic when you will ready to send an SMS.
- When you select your SMS Sender ID it automatically shows all the templates that you have already added to your DLT Platform. Through this, your work becomes easier.

5. Other formalities
You have to perform other formalities to complete this SMS-sending Process.
- You have to attach the SMS sender ID to the respective SMS template in your Telemarketer Platform.
- You have to add your Brand Name to your DLT Platform.
- You will have to submit your Telemarketer ID in your DLT platform so that the Telemarketer will be able to get information about your SMS Sender ID and SMS Template which you have already approved on the DLT account.
- You have to add some credit or balance to your Telemarketing platform to send SMS.
- You can also add your contact noses to your Telemarketing Platform.